In the earth so very deep,                                                Sit on ground
For many years he does sleep.                                         Pretend to be sleeping
Then in May and sunny June                                          Hold sun over head
The cicada hums his tune.                                               Hum

Crawling from the dark, dark ground,                           Hand begins to crawl up arm
He begins to hum his sound.                                           Hands up to mouth and hum
First he stretches out of his skin,                                     Fold hand out and open stretching them
And his new life does begin.                                            Cup hands

With beady eyes big and red,                                          Cup hands over eyes
And long feelers on his head,                                          Feelers on top of head
He creeps and creeps all around,                                   Hands creep around on floor
Searching, searching on the ground.

Leaving skin on bark and tree,                                        Crawl fingers up each arm
He stretches his wings so free.                                         Join thumbs and make wings to fly
Then flying here and there,                                             Fly hands in air
He finds his mate oh, so fair.                                           Stop hands and cup together

He hums his tune loud and clear                                   Hands up to mouth and hum
And hums sweet sounds in her ear,                               Cup hands on ears (hum a little softer)
July comes around so soon,                                           Fold hands
Then cicada ends his tune.                                             Part hands flat line.

Mary Bryan is an  Early Childhood teacher at Linden Waldorf School where she has worked for five years.  Before working at Linden Waldorf School, Mary  worked in a Metro Public school in kindergarten for ten years.   As a stay at home mom, she ran a Waldorf inspired day care for five years.   She is married with three grown boys and two grandsons and loves  sewing, painting and gardening.


Copyright 2011 The Wonder of Childhood

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