Currently viewing the tag: "Storytelling"

Attention, Affection, Approach and Allowance.

These are the four pillars of Intuitive Storytelling – and what do they all have in common?

The letter A. Alpha.

The sound of openness.

In Eurythmy – the art developed in collaboration […]

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Fairy Tales in Waldorf Education

On February 26, 2011 By

An Overview

One of the reasons that the telling of fairy tales has fallen into such disrepute in the last fifty years or so, is that very few people know how or when to tell certain stories, what is appropriate to different ages and how the stories should be spoken.

Fairy tales for children under […]

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Do it Yourself Storytelling for the Modern Parent

We all need stories.  We seek them everywhere and all the time.  From conversations about our day to surfing the net, we find ourselves attracted to the stories that bring the deepest connection and understanding to our life.  Stories are fundamental to our personal and […]

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