What is Sparkle Stories?

Sparkle Stories is a new site with audio stories for children ages 3 to 10. We offer 4 delightful story series: stories about fairy magic in So Many Fairies, animal adventures in Junkyard Tales, as well as tales of the day-to-day explorations of the much-adored Martin & Sylvia. And then there’s Saturday Sparkle — which contains part original work, and part classic tales songs and verses from all over the world. Each week families can download new episodes from their favorite story series.  It’s over 5 hours of delightful audio a month, for just over the price of a single CD.  Read about all of our story series here: http://www.sparklestories.com/stories/



How did you get the idea for Sparkle Stories?

Lisabeth: It was born in a flash one night while online reading the blog SouleMama. There was a discussion about where to find good audio material for media-cautious families.  And the options out there didn’t seem to be plentiful. It dawned on me that David’s storytelling gift could be a resource — he can tell elaborate and fascinating stories at the drop of a hat — and that we could tap his gift and turn it into a small business. A business built for families looking for high-quality audio media for their kids! And it was a perfect combination of our skills as storyteller and playwright.  About 7 months later we started the process of making it a reality.



Where do all of these stories come from?

David: They come from the present moment when angels or the muses or fairies whisper in our ears.  When it is told and then written and then recorded, it is never clear how the story came to be or who it might be for.  But inevitably we will get an email or note from someone in Lubbock, or Brighton or Sidney saying that it was just what their child needed in that moment.  It is a gift to be a part of that eternal exchange.
The inspirations often come from our own lives — like things we’re experiencing in our home, or ideas our kids are asking for — or questions we’re hearing come up in our own community. Sometimes readers write and ask for a story about a certain theme or challenge – and we enjoy taking that up too!

Of all the stories in the series, Martin & Sylvia stories are most closely related to — and inspired by – our own lives.  They were created long ago with the intention of helping my boys meet the challenges and events of our life. When we knew we were going to move house, Martin and Sylvia moved. When our dog was going to die, Martin and Sylvia’s dog died. It helped them with the big transitions as well as normal everyday things like bossy older brothers and picky eaters.



What are some of the benefits of telling stories to children?

Stories can help children meet challenge in a deep, fundamental way.  They can work like magic.  When we tell stories, we step out of our own lives and enter the deeper world of metaphor and archetype.  We ‘spin a yarn’ not knowing that we are actually tapping into ancient wisdom and guidance.  We bravely open our mouths and become a kind of channel for that wisdom and offer it up to our children in a language they understand – the language of dreams and fairylands.

Bio: David Sewell McCann fell in love with spinning stories in first grade — the day a storyteller came to his class and captured his mind and imagination. He has been engaged in storytelling all of his adult life through art, film-making, teaching and performing. Out of his experience as a Waldorf class teacher and parent, he has developed a method of intuitive storytelling, which he now shares through workshops and through this website.  Lisabeth Sewell McCann loves to bring words to life. A playwright and director, she has worked with people of all ages on and off the stage. Lisabeth and David live in Charlotte, Vermont with their 2 sons.

Thank you Lisabeth and David!

Sparkle Stories has a special introductory deal for Wonder of Childhood readers: 25% off the first three months of stories.  That is over 5 hours of stories a month for only $12.75.  Enter the coupon code D580 when signing up.

GIVEAWAY!  Sparkle Stories will give a 3 months of free stories to one reader of Wonder of Childhood…

To enter, please leave a comment below.

Comments are closed.

And the winner is Heathersf, ” what a wonderful thing this would be for my boys! thanks!”



21 Responses to Blog :: Interview with Lisabeth and David Sewell McCann and Give Away from Sparkle Stories

  1. Tracy Shringarpure says:

    We’ve been wanting to try sparkle stories for a while now! This would be a great prize!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Fabulous interview! We have had our eye on Sparkle Stories for a while now. This would be fabulous to win. Thanks for the chance.

  3. catherine says:

    It sounds wonderful!

  4. Jennifer W says:

    Just listened to junkyard stories with my 5 yo. We both enjoyed the story of Benjamin Thompson. We look forward to hearing more.

    I have been trying to find good stories such as these in our library. Thank you for making these available.

    Hope to win the 3 mo subscription.

  5. Shirin says:

    just lovely, thank you!!

  6. Sarah says:

    Would love this for our son while his younger sister naps!

  7. Lauren elliott says:

    I cannot wait to check out these stories. Thank you so much for the chance to win such a generous giveaway.

  8. Monika says:

    David should consider publishing some of these books. I’m always looking for great stories for my daughter who is emergent reader.

  9. Monica Cordes says:

    Such a wonderful prize!

  10. Marie says:

    would love Sparkle Stories inspiration for my little home nursery school. love the name Sparkle, it has that quality of not only twinkling brightness but also the “spark!” of life, healing, engagement, adventure…Thanks

  11. Heather says:

    Wonderful giveaway!

  12. What a brilliant idea. We love listening to good stories as a family – so much fun. Thank you for this fabulous resource David and Lisbeth.xo

  13. Kristin says:

    We LOVE Sparkle Stories! My son listens to two Martin and Sylvia stories every day as I prepare dinner. Well, sometimes more than two …

  14. heathersf says:

    what a wonderful thing this would be for my boys! thanks!

  15. gina brown says:

    Lovely! These stories sound wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win. I am off to check out more about Martin and Sylvia.

  16. Tammera says:

    This sounds terrific! My youngest loves having stories read to her…and audio stories give my own vocal chords a rest. :) We are just beginning a series in our homeschool program on Fairies, and I would be delighted to have the opportunity to include the audio stories you’ve created!

  17. Loretta says:

    Always on the lookout for good audio stories, especially since my daughter’s extra lesson teacher highly recommends them. Thanks so much!

    • Loretta, if you ask the teacher what kind of stories that would be best for your daughter, I’d be happy to send you some to try out. They are intended to support healthy development and it would benefit us to know how the stories are experienced. You would be doing us a favor so they would be a gift.

  18. Jenny says:

    I love the sparkle stories concept!! What a fantastic resource for parents and kids. Can’t wait to listen to some of the stories.

  19. heather says:

    thank you david! Your stories are amazing! Especially the one titled ‘Luck’!! What wonderful resources we have! These stories are a joy for people of all ages! xoxo

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