Five little peas in a pod pressed (make pod with hands together)

One grew, two grew (stand up one finger, then another with pinkies and palms still touching)

So did all the rest (all five up)

They grew and they grew (make growing gesture)

And they did not stop

Until one day, the pod went pop! (separate palms with popping gesture)


For a pea and lettuce soup recipe click through.




Lisa Boisvert Mackenzie is the Editor and Publisher of The Wonder of Childhood. She has spent the past fifteen years with one of her own children in early childhood (under seven years of age.)  She worked with children and their families for the past twenty two years, initially as a homebirth midwife. Lisa’s home based program The Children’s Garden began twelve years ago on a remote tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. Lisa’s current focus is on supporting parents of very young children and exploring the needs of boys in relationship to Waldorf education and ways of implementing support for those needs within the Waldorf curriculum. She lives with her family in Vermont. Lisa blogs at Celebrate the Rhythm of Life and hosts a discussion groups for parents of young children here.



Copyright 2011 The Wonder of Childhood

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