Blog :: Announcing Interviews!
The Wonder of Childhood is very excited to introduce to you a new element in the magazine.
When I began the Wonder of Childhood Magazine, I envisioned doing regular interviews with folks from around the world of parenting, natural living, Waldorf education and home education. I imagined that I would write them up for you as written interviews that would be posted each month in the magazine.
What a surprise it was to put this to the test. What I learned is that the process of transcribing an interview is a long and arduous process. The challenge of conveying with words the feelings and expression that come with the sound of a voice was daunting. I labored for hours in the transcription process and found that the final product, the interview, did not begin to convey the experience of the interview.
While I was a bit slow on the draw, it eventually came to me that I could just put up the interviews for you to hear directly.
As the online realm becomes more accessible and as we become more at home here and build community in discussion groups and on FaceBook, it feels right to bring to you the voices of the many folks who encourage, support and inspire us on our parenting and home educating path.
I’d love for these talks to be springboards for us to come together and have conversations about these topics. Please feel free to leave your comments in the comment boxes below and send us e-mail on topics that are important to you at
If you want to hear the Interviews, please join our mailing list below in the blue to receive the dates and times and links where the Interviews will be posted.
Interview with Christine Schreier Friday December 14 at 4:00 Eastern Standard Time here for details
Lisa Boisvert Mackenzie, Editor