Currently viewing the category: "Parenting"

The Magic of Transition Songs

On February 25, 2012 By


I used to hate going to the playground.  I dreaded it to the point that I often avoided it altogether.  To be fair, it wasn’t actually the being at the playground, but the leaving, that I dreaded so much.  My kids never seemed to want to leave, no matter how much time we spent there.  When I […]

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Does Your Daughter Feel Beautiful?

On January 12, 2012 By

By DeAnna L’am

My daughter Ellah, and her friend Ella, both 9 years old, danced with abandon at the Goddess Crafts Faire this weekend. The belly dancers and musicians on stage were an inspiration: each elaborately dressed and decorated, these women were of all sizes and shapes: ample, curvy, skinny, and a stunning pregnant belly […]

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The Waldorf Journey

Waldorf education has grown enormously in the past few years, especially among families with young children. The internet, more specifically the blog world, has also grown and is bringing a picture of Waldorf education to families all over the world.  Today many Moms have taken up blogging and blog about […]

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Bringing Our Children to Rest

On January 4, 2012 By

As Waldorf home-schooling parents, we strive to bring our children a calm, rhythmic home life.  Many of our young children are screen-free, get ample sleep and spend much of their days engaged in song, stories, crafts, cooking and nature.  So our children must surely be relaxed and joyful, right?

Not necessarily.  One element that may […]

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Loving, Striving, Trust and Time

On September 1, 2011 By

Reflections on Cultivating Maternal Confidence


I have a small doll, made in the Waldorf tradition, of a spiritual teacher named Ammachi. Amma is a living saint from India, the Divine Mother incarnate, my spiritual mother. The doll was given to me as a birthday gift by my sister-in-law long before the children were […]

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In difficult times such as these with environmental disaster of almost unprecedented scale and concern about friends and others in Japan at the forefront of our thoughts, it is not easy to feel the goodness in life. In an external crisis, our urge is often to listen and see the news and to share our […]

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By DeAnna L’am

 Magic is the ability to change consciousness at will. As a mother of a nine-year-old girl, I am striving to teach her magic wherever possible.

The turning of the season is an excellent opportunity for using magic as a consciousness-shifting tool, and this past Spring Equinox was an exciting juncture for practicing […]

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The internet buzz is palpable around  Liza Fox’s beautiful article Meaningful Work for Toddlers over at The Parenting Passageway.

Parents are loving the beautiful musing and practical list of chores to do with children and asking, okay how do I get my child to do […]

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The Gift of No

On July 1, 2011 By

Helene McGlauflin

The title of this piece may startle or surprise you. After all, few enjoy the limits and finality the word “no” implies. Could such a thing ever be considered a way to show favor toward someone, or to offer assistance, as the dictionary suggests a gift should be? In […]

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Parenting Counter-Culture

On July 1, 2011 By

by Raelee Peirce

This morning my 5 year old’s eyes opened when I was standing by his bed.  He smiled and crawled out of the covers, took my hand and said, “Mama,” in his little croaky morning voice, “I love you.”  His arms wrapped around my neck; he wants nothing more […]

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