Currently viewing the tag: "Connie Helms"

The Sense of Movement ~ Part Two

On November 26, 2011 By

Last month hopefully it became apparent that the key concept for the sense of self-movement was sufficient time in the horizontal plane so that:

1) spatial orientation is well grounded (the body’s internal map)

2) the crawling stage evolves easily, leading to proper stimulation for brain development and eventually an upright human being, […]

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We continue our journey of the twelve senses recognized by Rudolf Steiner, focusing on the first four known as the Foundational Senses. Upon the strength or weakness of these four senses, the human being will meet the world with certainty or hesitation. To review, these Foundational Senses build three capacities in a child: Body Geography […]

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The Sense of Life

On September 13, 2011 By

Last month, I began writing about the twelve senses recognized by Rudolf Steiner. The first four form a group known as the Foundational Senses. Upon the strength or weakness of these four senses, the human being will meet the world with certainty or hesitation. To review, these Foundational Senses build three capacities in […]

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When a child is born, he or she has quite a job to do.

In the past few decades we have lost sight of this task, but we must work to develop respect for it again: the job of growing into the physical body. Though not often recognized by experts, it takes roughly seven years […]

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