Lynn Jericho

Inner Parenting
Lynn Jericho

You make the statement: “I am a mother.” In all single statements hide many questions. So let’s go for some of the tough ones, beginning with the obvious.

I am a mother!

What does that mean? to you? to your child? to your mother? to the father of your child?

What are the expectations living in that statement?

What are the joys?

What is the ambivalence?

What did you lose when you became a mother? Do you realize you will never not be a mother again?

What forgiveness lives in being a mother? Or perhaps, the better question — What are the forgiveness longings that live in mothering? Who do you want to forgive? Yourself? Your child? Your mother? Your spouse?

How do you nurture the part of you that is mother? How do you nurture the not-mother parts?

If only mothering was all Hallmark.  Moments, yes, it is better than Hallmark could ever imagine.  But hours, days, and sometimes what seems forever, it’s not.

My daughter is 32.  My son is 29. Sometimes it’s Hallmark.  Sometimes it’s Hallmark with a twist or a bite or a silence.

But from the moment I wanted a child – at least sixty years ago – there was always a question and the answer is always motherlove.  Motherlove is not sentimental and romantic as it’s not about being “in love” with your child.  Motherlove is a very special compassion and motherlove is a very special soil for inner development.

Motherlove asks the questions that grow your soul.

Let me mother your motherlove more actively.  Register for my Sunshine and Shadows webinar here.

Sunshine and Shadows: A Guide to Parenting Your Child’s Soul While Healing Yours!

A teleseminar/webinar for parents concerned with their child’s inner development based on the principles of Waldorf Education. This program will also help the compassionate parent find ways to heal their own inner life while learning how to protect and cultivate their child’s soul.

  • 3-40 minute sessions with time for questions
  • sessions are recorded and available for downloading and relistening
  • supporting materials in pdf form.

1PM Eastern

Thursdays May 19, 25, June 1

topics covered:

  • The Three Functions of the Soul
  • An Understanding of Karma
  • De-Dramatizing and De-Idealizing
  • The Victim Perpetrator Dilemma
  • The Five Soul Wounds
  • Forgiveness
  • The Seven Soul Blessings

Register here.


Lynn Jericho writes, teaches, mentors, counsels and guides from a wisdom inspired by Waldorf Education and Rudolf Steiner. Known for her warmth and creativity, she makes sense of the complexities of the developing soul. Her Inner Christmas messages are read by more than 8000 people around the world and her book, Six Ways to Celebrate Christmas and Celebrate You, brings new understanding to the cosmic, social and personal meanings of the holiday.  Lynn was a cofounder of a birthing center and a pioneer parent of the Waldorf School of Princeton. Her newest adventure is being a grandmother.


For more from Lynn Jericho:

Inner Parenting: What’s it all About?


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