Dear Readers,

With great excitement, I am loading the articles for the month of May. The demise of my computer two weeks ago slowed things down for me  but I’m continuing to work at it, little by little, on my teenager’s computer. I’ve extracted my old hard drive and will soon access the photos I had stored in there. Yes, that’s why backup data is a good idea. Ah well…

Some excitement for you this month…. Give-Aways! Watch this blog column for more.

Waldorf Early Childhood teacher Joyce Gallardo has written a beautiful article on what is possible with childbirth and motherhood and community life,  in slowing down after giving birth and nurturing both the mother and child in a very tender way.

If you’ve been thinking about learning to knit, teach your child to knit or are planning next year’s curriculum and wish to include knitting, we have a four part step by step series on how to, including the making of knitting needles and a sweet first project that is just right for spring, a spring chick!

Find a cozy corner, make a cup of tea and have a look around.

Let us know what you think.





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